Fitness HIIT: 45 Minutes. 6 Stations 2:00 on / 20 seconds off X 2. Push your zone and get fitter, faster and leaner!
Cardio Club: 45 Minutes. Increase your cardio conditioning with a variety of moments and training systems, using body weight, machines, running, and Kettle bells / Dumb bells. Great class to improve body fat composition, sport performance and cardio conditioning.
Strength: 45 Minutes. Every 4 Weeks Barbell movements (Deadlift, Squat, Bench and Overhead Press) of reps 2-8 only. Increase weight every week to get stronger! Last 10 minutes of class get a burn with body building moments to shape and tone your body!
X Fit: 45 Minutes. Practise your Olympic barbell cycling of Snatch and Clean & Jerk, then follow up with a Crossfit Strength & Conditioning WOD to push you to your limit!
Body Essentials / Stretch: 45 Minutes/ 30 Minutes. Body weight exercise and stretches to help mobilise and increase your flexibility and body awareness.