Challenge Seminar
It’s that time of the year again! Get Fit and Ready for SUMMER!
It’s that time of the year again! Get Fit and Ready for SUMMER!
Fitness HIIT: 45 Minutes. 6 Stations 2:00 on / 20 seconds off X 2. Push your zone and get fitter, faster and leaner! Cardio Club: 45 Minutes. Increase your cardio conditioning with a variety of moments and training systems, using body weight, machines, running, and Kettle bells / Dumb bells. Great class to improve body …
The winter blues has hit hard! Here are some tips to keep on track during these cold winter months! • Stick to your plan! Book your classes and PT and just do it! • Get moving, get warm! PPT have a lovely indoor heater to settle the change in temp, but once we get started …
We are now celebrating our 5th year of business and to celebrate we would like to share the love.Between Monday May 30th – Sunday June 12th bring a friend to any Class, Personal Training session or Open Gym to see if like for you, we are the perfect fit for them too!
Good Friday: No classes Saturday: 7:30am Metcon Sunday: 9am Weight Lifting Easter Monday: No classes Tuesday: Back to normal
Fitness HIIT: 45 minute class. Functional fitness exercises to get you fit quickly! Cardio Club: For the fitness lovers, 30 minute express class. Interval training using Bike, Ski Erg, Rower, Skipping and Running. Strength: 45 minute class. Focus on your compound lifts to get strong. Deadlift, Squats, Bench and Overhead Press. Accessory exercise included. Great …